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The project configuration can be modified by updating the .fustak/Fustak.toml file. This documentation explains the various configuration options available and their purposes.

remote = ""

history_file_path = ".fustak/.history"
token_file_path = ".fustak/.token"

apis_folder = "src/api"
assets_folder = "public"
dist_folder = ""
migrations_folder = "src/migrations"
pages_folder = "src/pages"

Configuration File

The .fustak/Fustak.toml file contains the project configuration settings. You can modify these settings to customize the behavior of the Fustak framework.


  • − remote: Specifies the remote server URL to deploy the project to. It is mandatory.


  • − history_file_path: Specifies the path to the history file. This file stores the history of commands executed in the shell. The default value is .fustak/.history.
  • − token_file_path: Specifies the path to the token file. This file stores the authentication token used to authenticate with the server. The default value is .fustak/.token.


  • − apis_folder: Specifies the path to the API folder. This folder contains API configurations and scripts. The default value is src/api.
  • − assets_folder: Specifies the path to the assets folder. This folder contains public assets served by the server. The default value is public.
  • − dist_folder: Specifies the path to the dist folder. This folder contains distribution files served by the server. The default value is an empty string ("").
  • − migrations_folder: Specifies the path to the migrations folder. This folder contains database migration files. The default value is src/migrations.
  • − pages_folder: Specifies the path to the pages folder. This folder contains page configurations and components. The default value is src/pages.

Modifying the Configuration

To customize the project configuration, edit the .fustak/Fustak.toml file and update the desired settings. Ensure that you save the changes after modifying the file.

Understanding and modifying the configuration settings allows you to adapt the Fustak framework to your project's specific requirements and preferences.